Widely known as the “Bad Boys of A Capella,” acclaimed vocal ensemble The EDLOS will headline CIP’s tenth annual Extraordinary Evening with the Arts on Sunday, May 2. Also appearing will be bestselling author and motivational speaker Francine Ward and ABC7’s Spencer Christian as Master of Ceremonies. Delicious food, wine tasting, delightful live and silent auction items, an art exhibit, and more await those attending this year’s fund raising benefit, which will be held at a new time, 4:00 to 8:30 p.m..
In recognition of his invaluable role in this year’s event, Peter Paul, Paul Financial LLC, has been named Honorary Chair. Peter set the standard for generous support again this year with a $10,000 sponsorship donation, and has been active in recruiting support for the evening, offering his ideas and enthusiasm to assure a top-quality event.