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When Self-Hate is Self-Protection: Understanding Eating Disorders
– Lisa Bograd, MA, MFT [CLASS]
Saturday October 24, 2020 | 9:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT

Narrative: Eating disorders are very complex disorders that can be very difficult for clinicians to treat both because of the life threatening nature of these disorders as well as the tendency of those afflicted with them to cling desperately to them despite the grave risk they pose to their physical health and emotional wellbeing. But if we really understand what is at stake for these patients in giving up their disorder, if we can appreciate the profound way in which these afflictions have protected our patients from the pain of abuse, neglect, and from myriad parental failures and privations, we may have a much better chance of helping to loosen their grip.
In my class we will delve into some of the writings of Freud, particularly his paper, “On Mourning and Melancholia,” and we also explore some of the seminal contributions of Melanie Klein and Heinz Kohut as we seek to understand the deeper underpinnings of eating disorder symptomology. I will also incorporate examples from my own case material and do a mock session to elucidate some of the concepts I will be exploring as a means to give clinicians a better understanding of how to work psychodynamically with eating disorder sufferers, and, in so doing, to begin to engage in the kind of work that can be far more rewarding and can lead to deep and lasting change. Lastly, I will discuss eating disorders against the backdrop of race, gender, and sexual orientation with a focus on how eating disorders affect different minority groups.
Lisa Bograd, MA, MFT, has been working with people with eating disorders and their partners and parents for close two decades. She has trained for 4 years with the San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute in their East Bay Year Long programs and for 3 years with the Northern California chapter of the Institute for Contemporary Psychanalysis. Lisa gives lectures to professionals and to interns and trainees on eating disorder treatment and assessment, and she runs workshops for parents and for people with eating disorders and their loved ones. She has a private practice in San Francisco and Berkeley where she specializes in working with adults, preteens and teens with eating disorders, addictions, depression and anxiety and codependency.
CIP Member:
$75 early registration, up to 10 days prior to class, $90 after
$100 early registration, up to 10 days prior to class, $110 after
CEs: 4 CEs for LMFT & LCSWs and 4 CEs for Psychologists
Community Institute for Psychotherapy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Community Institute for Psychotherapy maintains responsibility for these programs and their contents.
Accommodations will be made wherever possible to those with disabilities. Please let us know of any disabilities upon registration, to ensure proper accommodations are put in place prior to workshop/training.
Cancellations must be received in writing 10 business days prior to the seminar or class for a refund minus a $25 cancellation fee.
This event will take place on Zoom. Please register for the event to receive the link.